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Плиз: Нужна статья из ICASSP 2004 (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Цифровые сигнальные процессоры (DSP) и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено qwer1304 30 июля 2004 г. 17:34

A.Fernandez Vazquez, G. Jovanovic Dolecek,
"Design of Complex Allpass filters",
International Conference ICASSP 2004, Montreal, Canada, May 2004. (Proc. IEEE 2004, Cat. Number 04CH37512, ISBN 0-7803-8251-X, Library of Congres 80 646530,)
vol.3., pp.145-148.

Вот абстракт:

This paper presents the design of complex allpass filters that satisfy a desired degree of flatness and a desired phase at any specified frequency point. The set of linear equations are derived based on the specifications of the flatness and the values of the phase at the given frequency points. The filter coefficients are obtained by solving this set of equations.

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