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А слабо почитать, что в *.pin написано _перед_ перечнем выводов? Например, (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Программируемые логические схемы и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Tiro 12 октября 2004 г. 14:56
В ответ на: что хочет сказать квартус, ставя * или + после GND в репорт-файле? (+) отправлено JimBim 12 октября 2004 г. 12:07

-- NC : No Connect. This pin has no internal connection to the device.
-- VCCINT : Dedicated power pin, which MUST be connected to VCC (5.0V).
-- VCCIO : Dedicated power pin, which MUST be connected to VCC (Refer to
-- the table below for voltage).
-- GND : Dedicated ground pin. Dedicated GND pins MUST be connected to GND.
-- It can also be used to report unused dedicated pins. The connection
-- on the board for unused dedicated pins depends on whether this will
-- be used in a future design. One example is device migration. When
-- using device migration, refer to the device pin-tables. If it is a
-- GND pin in the pin table or if it will not be used in a future design
-- for another purpose the it MUST be connected to GND. If it is an unused
-- dedicated pin, then it can be connected to a valid signal on the board
-- (low, high, or toggling) if that signal is required for a different
-- revision of the design.
-- GND+ : Unused input pin. It can also be used to report unused dual-purpose pins.
-- This pin should be connected to GND. It may also be connected to a
-- valid signal on the board (low, high, or toggling) if that signal
-- is required for a different revision of the design.
-- RESERVED : Unused I/O pin, which MUST be left unconnected.
-- NON_MIGRATABLE: This pin cannot be migrated.

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