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Ответ: обычно посылается специальный символ COMМA
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Программируемые логические схемы и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено PicoDev 10 августа 2006 г. 09:29
В ответ на: Ответ: Не то написал. RocketIO для ксилинкса. Как там "фаза" байта вычисляется? отправлено axalay 09 августа 2006 г. 15:33

Например, Ethernet:
Comma considerations
The seven bit comma string is defined as either b’0011111’ (comma+) or b’1100000’ (comma-). The /I/ and
/C/ ordered_sets and their associated protocols are specified to ensure that comma+ is transmitted with
either equivalent or greater frequency than comma- for the duration of their transmission. This is done to
ensure compatibility with common components.
The comma contained within the /K28.1/, /K28.5/, and /K28.7/ special code-groups is a singular bit pattern,
which, in the absence of transmission errors, cannot appear in any other location of a code-group and cannot
be generated across the boundaries of any two adjacent code-groups with the following exception:
The /K28.7/ special code-group is used by 1000BASE-X for diagnostic purposes only (see Annex 36A).
This code-group, if followed by any of the following special or data code-groups: /K28.x/, /D3.x/, /D11.x/, /
D12.x/, /D19.x/, /D20.x/, or /D28.x/, where x is a value in the range 0 to 7, inclusive, causes a comma to be
generated across the boundaries of the two adjacent code-groups. A comma across the boundaries of any two
adjacent code-groups may cause code-group realignment (see

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