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Ответ: Dear AlexP
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Программируемые логические схемы и их применение»)
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Отправлено Romik 28 апреля 2001 г. 23:19
В ответ на: If you did it attentively it's gonna be worked. I get it. Or check the version for 4.2.876. Cheers. (-) отправлено AlexP 28 апреля 2001 г. 23:08

My version is OK(4.2.0876). the problem is that rmcl.dll file is not being patched by AldecCrack. If you can, please look at your rmcl.dll file and say what kind of version it is (for this you have to in disign manager goto HELP/about active hdl/ vesion). And what kind of OS you have win9x or winNT :-)

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