[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Ув. SM, вопрос к вам - по поводу SM510. Не до конца проходит тест xdsprobe.exe -i. Перепробовал все, что нашел в конференциях - пока не помогает.
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено tsib 15 сентября 2005 г. 12:08

Подключал SM510 к двум типам TARGET:

1.) FLEXDS-DSP-5509-8M module(http://www.flexds.com/modules/c5509.htm)
2.) Наше собственное устройство

Оба TARGETа на базе TMS320vc5509a. Результаты теста для обоих устройств идентичны.

Дело было так:

1.) Драйвера(http://projects.caxapa.ru/6/sm510pci%20full%2002.03.2005.rar) поставились из корня каталога drivers,
как вы и предполагали, ранее драйвера не ставились из-за плохого контакта в PCI-слоте.
2.) Скопировал sm510dvr.dll в каталог \TI\cc\bin\.
3.) Вписал в файл /ti/cc/bin/board.cfg строчки
[POD_DRVR] 'sm510dvr.dll'
[POD_ACCESS] 'direct'
[UNIFY_CLKMODE] 'normal'
4.) Сконфигурировал SM510 след. образом: sm510ctl.exe -m 0 -tck 1 -b 4 -sld 0 -ce 0 -pe 0
5.) Запустил "xdsprobe.exe -rv" -- все сбросилось ОК.
6.) Запустил тест "xdsprobe.exe -y" -- все прошло ОК
7.) Запустил тест "xdsprobe.exe -i", наиболее частый результат теста следующий(не проходит JTAG DR integrity test):

---[The scan-path lengths of TI DSP's and microcontrollers]-----

The JTAG IR register for a ARM7 or ARM9 device has 4 bits.
The JTAG IR register for a `classic' TI DSP device has 8 bits.
The JTAG IR register for a `IceMaker' TI DSP device has 38 bits.
The JTAG IR register for a C621x or C671x device has 46 bits.

The older TI DSP devices with `classic' emulation
include the C4x, C5x, C8x, C20x, C24x products.
The newer TI DSP devices with `classic' emulation
include the VC33, C54x, C620x and C670x products.
The TI DSP devices with `IceMaker' emulation
include the C27x, C28x, C55x and C64x products.

---[Perform the scan-path length test on the JTAG IR and DR]----

The test for the JTAG IR instruction scan-path length succeeded.
The JTAG IR instruction scan-path length is 38 bits.

The test for the JTAG DR bypass scan-path length succeeded.
The JTAG DR bypass scan-path length is 1 bits.

The scan-path appears to consist of just one device.

If the scan-path consists of only TI DSP chips, TI ARM cores
and TI micro-controllers, or 8-bit long bypassed devices,
then the measured lengths indicate that both the
link-delay and scan-path are configured correctly.

---[Perform the scan-path integrity test on the JTAG IR]--------

This scan-path test uses blocks of 512 32-bit words.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x00000000.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFE03E0E2.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x01FC1F1D.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x5533CCAA.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xAACC3355.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
The JTAG IR integrity test has succeeded.

---[Perform the scan-path integrity test on the JTAG DR]--------

This scan-path test uses blocks of 512 32-bit words.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x00000000.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFE03E0E2.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x01FC1F1D.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x5533CCAA.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xAACC3355.
Word 0: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 1: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
Word 2: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
Word 3: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
Word 4: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
Word 5: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
Word 6: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
Word 7: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
The details of the first eight errors have been provided.
The utility will not report further errors found by this test.
Some of the 32-bit data values were corrupted - 100.0 percent.
Finished that Integrity Test.
The JTAG DR integrity test has failed.

Но иногда проскальзывает следующее(также не проходит JTAG DR integrity test, но цифры немного другие):

---[The scan-path lengths of TI DSP's and microcontrollers]-----

The JTAG IR register for a ARM7 or ARM9 device has 4 bits.
The JTAG IR register for a `classic' TI DSP device has 8 bits.
The JTAG IR register for a `IceMaker' TI DSP device has 38 bits.
The JTAG IR register for a C621x or C671x device has 46 bits.

The older TI DSP devices with `classic' emulation
include the C4x, C5x, C8x, C20x, C24x products.
The newer TI DSP devices with `classic' emulation
include the VC33, C54x, C620x and C670x products.
The TI DSP devices with `IceMaker' emulation
include the C27x, C28x, C55x and C64x products.

---[Perform the scan-path length test on the JTAG IR and DR]----

The test for the JTAG IR instruction scan-path length succeeded.
The JTAG IR instruction scan-path length is 38 bits.

The test for the JTAG DR bypass scan-path length succeeded.
The JTAG DR bypass scan-path length is 1 bits.

The scan-path appears to consist of just one device.

If the scan-path consists of only TI DSP chips, TI ARM cores
and TI micro-controllers, or 8-bit long bypassed devices,
then the measured lengths indicate that both the
link-delay and scan-path are configured correctly.

---[Perform the scan-path integrity test on the JTAG IR]--------

This scan-path test uses blocks of 512 32-bit words.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x00000000.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFE03E0E2.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x01FC1F1D.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x5533CCAA.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xAACC3355.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
The JTAG IR integrity test has succeeded.

---[Perform the scan-path integrity test on the JTAG DR]--------

This scan-path test uses blocks of 512 32-bit words.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x00000000.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFE03E0E2.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x01FC1F1D.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x5533CCAA.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xAACC3355.
Word 0: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 1: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 2: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 3: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 4: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 5: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 6: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
Word 7: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
The details of the first eight errors have been provided.
The utility will not report further errors found by this test.
Some of the 32-bit data values were corrupted - 100.0 percent.
Finished that Integrity Test.
The JTAG DR integrity test has failed.

Или следующее(Не проходят оба теста - JTAG IR integrity test и JTAG DR integrity test):

---[The scan-path lengths of TI DSP's and microcontrollers]-----

The JTAG IR register for a ARM7 or ARM9 device has 4 bits.
The JTAG IR register for a `classic' TI DSP device has 8 bits.
The JTAG IR register for a `IceMaker' TI DSP device has 38 bits.
The JTAG IR register for a C621x or C671x device has 46 bits.

The older TI DSP devices with `classic' emulation
include the C4x, C5x, C8x, C20x, C24x products.
The newer TI DSP devices with `classic' emulation
include the VC33, C54x, C620x and C670x products.
The TI DSP devices with `IceMaker' emulation
include the C27x, C28x, C55x and C64x products.

---[Perform the scan-path length test on the JTAG IR and DR]----

The test for the JTAG IR instruction scan-path length succeeded.
The JTAG IR instruction scan-path length is 38 bits.

The test for the JTAG DR bypass scan-path length succeeded.
The JTAG DR bypass scan-path length is 1 bits.

The scan-path appears to consist of just one device.

If the scan-path consists of only TI DSP chips, TI ARM cores
and TI micro-controllers, or 8-bit long bypassed devices,
then the measured lengths indicate that both the
link-delay and scan-path are configured correctly.

---[Perform the scan-path integrity test on the JTAG IR]--------

This scan-path test uses blocks of 512 32-bit words.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x00000000.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFE03E0E2.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x01FC1F1D.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x5533CCAA.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xAACC3355.
Word 0: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x0818F9EC.
Word 1: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x0818F9EC.
Word 2: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x0818F9EC.
Word 3: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x0818F9EC.
Word 4: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x0818F9EC.
Word 5: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x0818F9EC.
Word 6: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x0818F9EC.
Word 7: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x5018F9EC.
The details of the first eight errors have been provided.
The utility will not report further errors found by this test.
Some of the 32-bit data values were corrupted - 100.0 percent.
Finished that Integrity Test.
The JTAG IR integrity test has failed.

---[Perform the scan-path integrity test on the JTAG DR]--------

This scan-path test uses blocks of 512 32-bit words.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x00000000.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFE03E0E2.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x01FC1F1D.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0x5533CCAA.
All of the 32-bit data values were scanned correctly.
Finished that Integrity Test.
Starting an Integrity Test using 0xAACC3355.
Word 0: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 1: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 2: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 3: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 4: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 5: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0x031F3D81.
Word 6: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
Word 7: scanned out 0xAACC3355 and scanned in 0xD56619AA.
The details of the first eight errors have been provided.
The utility will not report further errors found by this test.
Some of the 32-bit data values were corrupted - 100.0 percent.
Finished that Integrity Test.
The JTAG DR integrity test has failed.

8.) Многократно менял значения TCK, CE и PE -- результат тот же, только при tck=12 или 13
иногда не проходит также и один из xdsprobe.exe -y тестов.

В файл TI\cc\bin\Brddat\ccBrd0.dat я пока ничего не дописывал, сейчас он пустой.

Если я правильно понял, то сначала надо добиться прохождения тестов
"xdsprobe.exe -y" и "xdsprobe.exe -i" и только после этого:
1.) запустить CCS Setup
2.) Выбрать c5509a XDS510 Emulator, нажать Save & Quit, выйти из CCS Setup, не запуская CCS
3.) Дописать в /ti/cc/bin/brddat/ccbrd0.dat строки
[POD_DRVR] 'sm510dvr.dll'
[POD_ACCESS] 'direct'
[UNIFY_CLKMODE] 'normal'
4.) Запустить CCS - при этом все должно заработать без установки каких-либо дополнительных драйверов.

1.) правильно ли я все понял
2.) в чем может быть причина не прохождения теста "xdsprobe.exe -i"

Заранее спасибо.

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