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(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
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Отправлено Сергей Борщ 01 октября 2001 г. 11:35

MSP430C13x1: The choice in ultra-low-power ROM MCUs. The MSP430C13x1 family is a spin-off of the already released
MSP430F135. The on-chip comparator is ideal for precise mixed-signal data measurements. Ease of programming is
warranted with the MSP430C13x1 family. Prototyping can be done with the MSP430F135, the FLASH derivative, and mass
production can be easily implemented with the MSP430C13x1 family.

The C1331 has 8kB of ROM and the 1kU resale of $1.95.

The C1351 has 16kB of ROM and the 1kU resale of $2.25.

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