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Ответ: (eng)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция 'Микроконтроллеры и их применение')

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Artem-1.6E-19 01 марта 2006 г. 15:15
В ответ на: Из Донецка есть кто? Если можно нескромный вопрос(+) отправлено <font color=gray>F8</font> 01 марта 2006 г. 14:51

Letter: Leave engineering, help those left behind

EE Times
(03/01/2006 6:47 AM EST)

To the Editor
Re: Who is telling kids to avoid engineering?
I am an engineer from the Netherlands. I certainly would not encourage anyone, let alone my children, to pursue a career in engineering. There is no fairness in engineer's salaries: bad engineers are overpaid, and good engineers are underpaid.
What’s more the bad engineers cost more money because you need to hire good engineers to clean up the mess left by the bad engineers. The result is a flatness in engineers' salaries. This means that it is a good thing that so many engineering jobs are going east to India and elsewhere; the jobs that remain in the west will be rigorously selected for technology, efficiency, and steady output of products that actually make money. Soon the few engineers left will get the credit (and the payment) they deserve. So too will the others but they won’t be engineers anymore.
Marcel Croese
Creato Audio
The Netherlands

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