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(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Kenat 09 июня 2006 г. 12:20
В ответ на: Не подскажете ли, господа специалисты, как бы красивше подменять в ИАРе putchar - нужен то вывод на LCD, то в последовательный порт? отправлено <font color=gray> а вот спрошу-ка еще</font> 09 июня 2006 г. 11:30

* Copyright 1998-2003 IAR Systems. All rights reserved.
* $Revision: 1.14 $
* This is a template implementation of the "__write" function used by
* the standard library. Replace it with a system-specific
* implementation.
* The "__write" function should output "size" number of bytes from
* "buffer" in some application-specific way. It should return the
* number of characters written, or _LLIO_ERROR on failure.
* If "buffer" is zero then __write should perform flushing of
* internal buffers, if any. In this case "handle" can be -1 to
* indicate that all handles should be flushed.
* The template implementation below assumes that the application
* provides the function "MyLowLevelPutchar". It should return the
* character written, or -1 on failure.



#pragma module_name = "?__write"

int MyLowLevelPutchar(int x);

* If the __write implementation uses internal buffering, uncomment
* the following line to ensure that we are called with "buffer" as 0
* (i.e. flush) when the application terminates.

size_t __write(int handle, const unsigned char * buffer, size_t size)
/* Remove the #if #endif pair to enable the implementation */
#if 0

size_t nChars = 0;

if (buffer == 0)
* This means that we should flush internal buffers. Since we
* don't we just return. (Remember, "handle" == -1 means that all
* handles should be flushed.)
return 0;

/* This template only writes to "standard out" and "standard err",
* for all other file handles it returns failure. */
if (handle != _LLIO_STDOUT && handle != _LLIO_STDERR)
return _LLIO_ERROR;

for (/* Empty */; size != 0; --size)
if (MyLowLevelPutchar(*buffer++) < 0)
return _LLIO_ERROR;


return nChars;


/* Always return error code when implementation is disabled. */
return _LLIO_ERROR;




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