[an error occurred while processing this directive]
SAM7s, исходники для АВР и МСП ищутся гуглем + путевый пример (драйвер) идет с efsl (в последней версии чуть ли не под все ширпотребовские процы)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Котик 13 сентября 2006 г. 14:01
В ответ на: Ответ: Если можно поделись программой и на каком контроллере отправлено <font color=gray>GAGIK</font> 13 сентября 2006 г. 13:49


// MMC


#define __inline inline






extern AT91PS_PIO p_pPio;

extern AT91PS_PMC p_pPMC;

extern AT91PS_USART p_pUSART0;

extern AT91PS_PDC p_pPDC;

extern AT91PS_MC p_pMC;

extern AT91PS_AIC p_pAic;

extern AT91PS_TC p_pTC;

extern AT91PS_SPI p_pSpi;

extern AT91PS_SYS p_pSys;

char mmcGetResponse(void);

char mmcGetXXResponse(const char resp);

char mmcCheckBusy(void);

char mmc_buffer[512] = { 0 };    // Buffer for mmc i/o for data and registers

//extern char card_state;        // 0 for no card found, 1 for card found (init successfull)


void Delays (unsigned long a) { while (--a!=0); }

extern unsigned char buffer_tx[];

extern const unsigned char table_encoder[];

void Init_CP_WP (void) {

  // pull up resistor

  p_pSys->PIOA_PPUDR = 0xffffffff; // Disable Pull-up resistor

  //Card present -> CP - PA15

  p_pPio->PIO_ODR = BIT15; //Configure in Input

  p_pPio->PIO_PER = BIT15; //Enable PA15

  //Write protect -> WP - PA16

  p_pPio->PIO_ODR = BIT16; //Configure in Input

  p_pPio->PIO_PER = BIT16; //Enable PA16


// setup usart1 in spi mode

void initSPI (void)


  //set functionalite to pins:

  //port0.11 -> NPCS0

  //port0.12 -> MISO

  //port0.13 -> MOSI

  //port0.14 -> SPCK

  AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(AT91C_BASE_PMC, 1 << AT91C_ID_PIOA);

  p_pPio->PIO_PDR = BIT11 | BIT12 | BIT13 | BIT14;

  p_pPio->PIO_ASR = BIT11 | BIT12 | BIT13 | BIT14;

  p_pPio->PIO_BSR = 0;


  AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(AT91C_BASE_PMC, 1 << AT91C_ID_SPI);




  AT91F_SPI_CfgCs(AT91C_BASE_SPI, 0, AT91C_SPI_CPOL | (0x4A << 8));



unsigned char sd_Resp8b()


  unsigned char i;

  unsigned char resp;


  /* Respone will come after 1 - 8 pings */

  for(i = 0; i < 0x08; i++)


    resp = spiSendByte(0xff);

    if(resp != 0xff)return(resp);




#define NPCS_BSR_BIT BIT11

// Initialisieren

char initMMC (void)


  //raise SS and MOSI for 80 clock cycles

  //SendByte(0xff) 10 times with SS high


  int i;

  char response = 0x01;

  usart_write_string("\r\nStart iniMMC...", 17);


  //initialization sequence on PowerUp

  for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)spiSendByte(0xff);


  //Send Command 0 to put MMC in SPI mode

  i = 10;


    mmcSendCmd(0x00, 0, 0x95);

    response = sd_Resp8b();


  while(response != 1 && i--);


  //Now wait for READY RESPONSE

// if(mmcGetResponse() != 0x01)usart_write_string("\r\nno responce", 13);

  if(response != 0x01)usart_write_string("\r\nno responce", 13);

        usart_write_string("\r\nresponse : 0x", 13);

        buffer_tx[0] = table_encoder[(response >> 4) & 0x0f];

        buffer_tx[1] = table_encoder[response & 0x0f];

        buffer_tx[2] = '\r';

        buffer_tx[3] = '\n';

        usart_write_string(buffer_tx, 4);

  while(response == 0x01)


 // debug_printf("Sending Command 1");





   response = sd_Resp8b();

        usart_write_string("\r\n_response : 0x", 14);

        buffer_tx[0] = table_encoder[(response >> 4) & 0x0f];

        buffer_tx[1] = table_encoder[response & 0x0f];

        buffer_tx[2] = '\r';

        buffer_tx[3] = '\n';

        usart_write_string(buffer_tx, 4);





  return MMC_SUCCESS;


// Ti added mmc Get Responce

char mmcGetResponse(void)


  //Response comes 1-8bytes after command

  //the first bit will be a 0

  //followed by an error code

  //data will be 0xff until response

  int i=0;

  char response;

  while(i <= 64)


   response = spiSendByte(0xff);

   if(response == 0x00)break;

   if(response == 0x01)break;



  return response;


char mmcGetXXResponse(char resp)


  //Response comes 1-8bytes after command

  //the first bit will be a 0

  //followed by an error code

  //data will be 0xff until response

  int i=0;

  char response;







  return response;


char mmcCheckBusy(void)


  //Response comes 1-8bytes after command

  //the first bit will be a 0

  //followed by an error code

  //data will be 0xff until response

  int i=0;

  char response;

  char rvalue;




   response &= 0x1f;



     case 0x05: rvalue=MMC_SUCCESS;break;

     case 0x0b: return(MMC_CRC_ERROR);

     case 0x0d: return(MMC_WRITE_ERROR);


     rvalue = MMC_OTHER_ERROR;












  return response;


// The card will respond with a standard response token followed by a data

// block suffixed with a 16 bit CRC.

// Ti Modification: long int -> long ; int -> long

char mmcReadBlock(unsigned long address, unsigned long count)


  unsigned long i = 0;

  char rvalue = MMC_RESPONSE_ERROR;

  // Set the block length to read

  if (mmcSetBlockLength (count) == MMC_SUCCESS)    // block length could be set


      //SS = LOW (on)

      //CS_LOW ();

      // send read command MMC_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK=CMD17

      mmcSendCmd (17,address, 0xFF);

      // Send 8 Clock pulses of delay, check if the MMC acknowledged the read block command

      // it will do this by sending an affirmative response

      // in the R1 format (0x00 is no errors)

      if (mmcGetResponse() == 0x00)


     // now look for the data token to signify the start of

     // the data



     // clock the actual data transfer and receive the bytes; spi_read automatically finds the Data Block

     for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)

        mmc_buffer[i] = spiSendByte(0xff);    // is executed with card inserted

     // get CRC bytes (not really needed by us, but required by MMC)



     rvalue = MMC_SUCCESS;




     // the data token was never received

     rvalue = MMC_DATA_TOKEN_ERROR;    // 3





     // the MMC never acknowledge the read command

     rvalue = MMC_RESPONSE_ERROR;    // 2





      rvalue = MMC_BLOCK_SET_ERROR;    // 1


  //CS_HIGH ();


  return rvalue;

}                // mmc_read_block


// Ti Modification: long int -> long

char mmcWriteBlock (unsigned long address)


  unsigned long i = 0;

  char rvalue = MMC_RESPONSE_ERROR;    // MMC_SUCCESS;

  //char c = 0x00;

  // Set the block length to read

  if (mmcSetBlockLength (512) == MMC_SUCCESS)    // block length could be set


      // SS = LOW (on)

      //CS_LOW ();

      // send write command

      mmcSendCmd (24,address, 0xFF);

      // check if the MMC acknowledged the write block command

      // it will do this by sending an affirmative response

      // in the R1 format (0x00 is no errors)

      if (mmcGetXXResponse(MMC_R1_RESPONSE) == MMC_R1_RESPONSE)



     // send the data token to signify the start of the data


     // clock the actual data transfer and transmitt the bytes

     for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)

     spiSendByte(mmc_buffer[i]);    // mmc_buffer[i]; Test: i & 0xff

     // put CRC bytes (not really needed by us, but required by MMC)



     // read the data response xxx01 : status 010: Data accected, status 101: Data

     // rejected due to a crc error, status 110: Data rejected due to a Write error.





     // the MMC never acknowledge the write command

     rvalue = MMC_RESPONSE_ERROR;    // 2





      rvalue = MMC_BLOCK_SET_ERROR;    // 1


  //give the MMC the required clocks to finish up what ever it needs to do

  //for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i)


  //CS_HIGH ();

  // Send 8 Clock pulses of delay.


  return rvalue;

}// mmc_write_block


void mmcSendCmd (char cmd, unsigned long data, char crc)


  char frame[6];

  char temp;

  int i;

  frame[0] = (cmd | 0x40);

// frame[0] = (cmd);









//--------------- set blocklength 2^n ------------------------------------------------------

// Ti Modification: long int-> long

char mmcSetBlockLength (unsigned long blocklength)


  //char rValue = MMC_TIMEOUT_ERROR;

  //char i = 0;

  // SS = LOW (on)

  //CS_LOW ();

  // Set the block length to read


  mmcSendCmd(16, blocklength, 0xFF);

  // get response from MMC - make sure that its 0x00 (R1 ok response format)


  //CS_HIGH ();

  // Send 8 Clock pulses of delay.


  return MMC_SUCCESS;


unsigned char spiSendByte(unsigned char data)


  unsigned int spib;

  while((p_pSpi->SPI_SR & AT91C_SPI_TDRE) == 0); // Wait for the transfer to complete

  p_pSpi->SPI_TDR = (data & 0xFFFF); // Send the data

        buffer_tx[0] = table_encoder[(data >> 4) & 0x0f];

        buffer_tx[1] = table_encoder[data & 0x0f];

        usart_write_string(buffer_tx, 2);


  while((p_pSpi->SPI_SR & AT91C_SPI_RDRF) == 0); // Wait until the character can be sent

  spib = ((p_pSpi->SPI_RDR) & 0xFFFF); // Get the data received

/* buffer_tx[0] = table_encoder[(spib >> 4) & 0x0f];

        buffer_tx[1] = table_encoder[spib & 0x0f];

        usart_write_string(buffer_tx, 2);


  return spib;


// Reading the contents of the CSD and CID registers in SPI mode is a simple

// read-block transaction.

char mmcReadRegister (char cmd_register, unsigned char length)


  char uc = 0;

  char rvalue = MMC_TIMEOUT_ERROR;

// char i = 0;

  if (mmcSetBlockLength (length) == MMC_SUCCESS)


      //CS_LOW ();

      // CRC not used: 0xff as last byte

      mmcSendCmd(cmd_register, 0x000000, 0xff);

      // wait for response

      // in the R1 format (0x00 is no errors)

      if (mmcGetResponse() == 0x00)


     if (mmcGetXXResponse(0xfe)== 0xfe)

     for (uc = 0; uc < length; uc++)

     mmc_buffer[uc] = spiSendByte(0xff);

     // get CRC bytes (not really needed by us, but required by MMC)





    rvalue = MMC_RESPONSE_ERROR;

      //CS=HIGH (off)

      //CS_HIGH ();

      // Send 8 Clock pulses of delay.



  //CS_HIGH ();

  return rvalue;

}// mmc_read_register

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