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А FAQ кто читать будет?
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено vmp 10 октября 2006 г. 15:33
В ответ на: Где можно посмотреть список зарезервированных адресов I2C различными производителями? отправлено БУБУ 10 октября 2006 г. 15:05

Q: Is it possible to receive a list of all IІC-slave addresses used to date?
A: No. NXP Semiconductors do not issue this list of all previously assigned slave addresses, as this is the only way we can guarantee the list stays up to date and each assigned address is unique. If this list were made available, IІC-bus licensees would start selecting slave addresses themselves and the central list would soon become incomplete, which could lead to address conflicts. The principle established, proven to work well, is that each licensee sends a slave address request to a single contact within NXP Semiconductors, who then allocates the slave address based on a single master list.

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