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Implementation sample: OTA
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Отправлено AK 08 января 2002 г. 04:55
В ответ на: Подскажите pls ссылки в инете на документацию по авторизации кредитных карт в онлайновом режиме (например терминалы в кассе)! отправлено Make_Pic 07 января 2002 г. 14:34

from http://www.mpeltd.demon.co.uk/forth.htm:

OTA uses a virtual machine (VM) architecture to deliver payment terminal applications directly to payment terminals regardless of their hardware or CPU. The OTA VM has been installed on a range of CPUs and is now being deployed. The OTA project involved up to 30 programmers working in several locations on two continents. OTA is described at http://www.europay.com

The OTA VM is a derivative of the VM designed by MPE for the SENDIT Esprit project. The VM uses a two-stack architecture derived from Forth, and extended to be language neutral so that code can be compiled from languages other than Forth. We have Forth and C compilers for these VMs, and are available to produce tailored derivatives for your applications.

Also see article at the link below

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