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Ответы от FTDI tech support (может кому-то тоже интересно...)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено RIYALASERS 27 октября 2006 г. 12:57

Вопрос первый:

- We use your FT245 chips...
Tell me please, will you have new chips with support high-speed USB?
If yes, when?

-We are looking into developing a range of high-speed USB devices, but there are no timescales on this.

Вопрос второй:
- When will available VNC1L chips (and software support for it)?

- VNC1L chips are currently available, firmware can be downloaded from the following webpage: http://www.vinculum.com/downloads.html.

- We need integrate VNC1L chip to our application, and for us is not enough your examples of firmware.
Tell me please, will you open system of command for these chips, and what is situation with compiler/debugger?
And next, can you send us samples of chips or modules? (your distributor in Ukraine – Filur Electric Co – Dopn’t have these components now, and we need to make our new development urgently!)

- We will be providing a compiler/debugger for the VNC1L, but it is still under development. We hope to have it available by the end of this year.
I have passed your request for samples to our Sales team.

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