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Пикоманам: вышла MPLAB 7.52 (40 МБ по ссылке)

Отправлено =AVR= 20 февраля 2007 г. 22:11

Data Monitoring and Control Interface (DMCI) Enhancements
- New "hot track" sliders provide rapid data adjustments
- Split window pane allows user-configurable displays
- Graphs can be generated from MPLAB REAL ICE real-time data acquisition
- Fractional data types can be used as inputs
- Buttons now have icons instead of text for easier identification

Project Manager Enhancements
- Quickly create a new project based upon the settings of an existing project
- Directory paths can be browsed and reordered
- The type of path descriptor associated with the file can be changed, allowing for a mixture of absolute and relative paths

Simulator Code Coverage Improvements
- MPLAB SIM supports code coverage analysis as previously implemented for the in-circuit emulators

ASM30 files Through C Preprocessor
- MPLAB IDE can run ASM30 assembly source files through the standard C preprocessor allowing C-style directives embedded in assembly files

Check the MPLAB IDE v7.52 Release Notes for full details and a complete list of devices supported by MPLAB IDE and its components.

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