[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Выбрось процедуру из пдф на свалку... в свое время тоже намучился!!!
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Отправлено Vadim2 19 марта 2002 г. 13:03
В ответ на: Не получается запись в EEPROM PIC16F873 отправлено VT 18 марта 2002 г. 10:33



R/W eeprom on PIC16F87x


if (my_eeprom_read(EEPROM_FORMAT_IN_PROGRESS)==TRUE) etc;

Created for PICuWEB - PIC micros and C
(c)2001 Shane Tolmie

This file is in use for a commercial product, with approx. 7000 lines of C, and
copies of this code are currently running on 1100+ 16F876-based units worldwide.


void my_eeprom_write(unsigned char addr, unsigned char value)
//see 'writing to eeprom memory' in PIC16F876 manual

static bit gie_temp;

EEIF=0; //this is necessary in case this EEPROM write
//was preceded by a program memory write
EEADR=(unsigned char)(addr);
EEDATA=(unsigned char)(value);
EEPGD=0; //write to EEPROM, not data memory
gie_temp=GIE; //save the status of GIE
WREN=1; //enable writes
while (!EEIF)
//do nothing - wait WR to be cleared in hardware
EEIF=0; //so it wont trigger false interrupts
WREN=0; //disable writes
GIE=gie_temp; //restore GIE to previous value

#define MY_EEPROM_READ(addr) \
( (EEADR=((unsigned char)(addr))), \
(EEPGD=0), \
(RD=1), \
((unsigned char)EEDATA) )

unsigned char my_eeprom_read(unsigned char addr)
EEADR=(unsigned char)addr;
return (unsigned char)EEDATA;

unsigned int my_eeprom_read_int(unsigned char addr)
return ((unsigned int)(eeprom_read(addr)) | ((unsigned int)((unsigned int)(eeprom_read((unsigned char)(addr+1)))<<8)));

void my_eeprom_write_int(unsigned char addr, unsigned int data)
eeprom_write(addr,(unsigned char)(data & 0xFF));
eeprom_write((unsigned char)(addr+1),(unsigned char)(data>>8));

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