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Ответ: AVR Assembler UserGuide - doc1022.pdf

Отправлено 123avr 26 ноября 2007 г. 14:17
В ответ на: как из командно строки ассемблировать с помощью avrasm2.exe ? отправлено <font color=gray>123avr </font> 26 ноября 2007 г. 14:07

AVR Assembler UserGuide doc1022.pdf

4.8 Command line version

For the MS-DOS command line version the Assembler is invoked by the command

AVRASM [-m | -i | -g][-w] input.asm output.lst output.rom

AVRASM will now read source from input.asm, produce the listfile output.lst, output.rom
and the object file input.obj. The objectfile '*.obj' is used by the MS-Windows simulator.
The user can select which output format to generate by using one of the options -m
(Motorola S-record), -i (Intel Hex) or -g (Generic). The Generic file format is used by

The -w option tells the Assembler to use wrapping of addresses. This feature is only
used when assembling for devices with 4K words of program memory. Using this switch
on these devices, the relative jump and call instructions will reach the entire program

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