[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Отправлено Ivanich 02 мая 2002 г. 20:44
В ответ на: I2C - obrazets coda na HT-PICC. Esli zdes' ne vlezet - poshlu na milo. отправлено Ivanich 02 мая 2002 г. 20:27

#define MaxExtEeprom 0x7FFF
#define byte0(x) (unsigned char)(*(((unsigned char *)&x)+0))
#define byte1(x) (unsigned char)(*(((unsigned char *)&x)+1))
// WrProt - pin, connected to a Write Protect input of the EEPROM
// To initialize:
SSPCON = 0b00111000; // SPI on, CKP = 0, I2C Master with Fosc/64
SSPCON2 = 0;
SSPADD = 15; // 100k at 4Mhz clock

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