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Отправлено papa 17 июня 2008 г. 14:38
В ответ на: Подскажите можно ли стандартными функциями Си вывести массив из Flash памяти через UART отправлено smartleds 16 июня 2008 г. 23:49

The type_char conversion type character is used to specify the way the function argument will be treated.
The following conversion type characters are supported:
'i' - the function argument is a signed decimal integer;
'd' - the function argument is a signed decimal integer;
'u' - the function argument is an unsigned decimal integer;
'e' - the function argument is a float, that will be outputted using the [-]d.dddddd e[-]dd format
'E' - the function argument is a float, that will be outputted using the [-]d.dddddd E[-]dd format
'f' - the function argument is a float, that will be outputted using the [-]ddd.dddddd format
'x' - the function argument is an unsigned hexadecimal integer, that will be outputted with lowercase characters;
'X' - the function argument is an unsigned hexadecimal integer, that will be outputted with with uppercase characters;
'c' - the function argument is a single character;
's' - the function argument is a pointer to a null terminated char string located in SRAM;

'p' - the function argument is a pointer to a null terminated char string located in FLASH;
'%' - the '%' character will be outputted.

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