[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Ответ: :))))))
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Отправлено Ilhom 08 июня 2002 г. 19:41
В ответ на: Тут ребятки из comp.arch.embedded'a знаете как проги на авр отлаживают :)? Приемником на АМ диапозоне :)))))) отправлено Ilhom 08 июня 2002 г. 19:34

>Jonathan Kirwan wrote:
>> I'm not positive, but I believe I had used it on the PDP-8. However,
>> my long experience was with the Altair 8800 I built, the IMSAIs later,
>> the Apple II, and the TRS-80.
>I don't recall the name of it, but there was a software product in the late
>'70's which played music into an AM radio by manipulating the 8080 to
>radiate in a controlled pattern. Clearly, someone had too much free time!

Indeed. I played with some of those programs, in fact. Completely
forgotten until you mentioned it. Ode to Joy as part of Beethoven's
9th, for one. I wrote a few compositions of my own. I guess I was
one of those with too much time.

Luckily, my computer music playing had competition. The Jacob's
ladder built from hangers and an old color TV set, the rocket nozzles
turned on a friend's lathe and testing them with different rocket
fuels, mercury fulminate processing, telescope mirror design and
grinding and testing, ... So it was limited to just a few songs.

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