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Это что - шутка ?!
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Отправлено Весельчак_У 24 июня 2002 г. 11:42

А много ли операционных систем (ОС) вы знаете, естественно Windows, Linux некоторые припомнят QNX и BeOS.... вообще говоря их достаточно много, а тут появилась еще одна, громко и со скандалом (судились с самой Microsoft, и выиграли дело), имя ей Lindows. А название произошло от Linux и Windows, новая ОС обеспечивает работу для программ от обоих ОС.

LindowsOS SPX - the first "Broadband OS" An operating system-- built to take full advantage of broadband technology. LindowsOS SPX is designed to fully utilize the world of tomorrow, where Internet connectivity is bountiful and cheap, and computers are ubiquitous. For tomorrow's computing needs, computer users need a computing solution that's affordable and beneficial, a system where software is digitally transmitted, easy to deploy and highly customizable. Computing needs to be effortless, so people spend less time working on computers and more time having computers work for them; LindowsOS SPX, the broadband operating system, does all of this. LindowsOS SPX provides an advanced digital experience at an affordable price. Applications can all be digitally downloaded and installed at the click of a mouse. Individual machines can be customized quickly and easily. Lindows.com pricing follows the broadband model - just as any broadband users can visit any web site, a LindowsOS user can download and install any application they need from the Lindows.com Click-N-Run (www.lindows.com/clicknrun) Warehouse. This new era of computing, in which applications are delivered digitally to any broadband connected computer, is dynamic and instant. Under the new broadband model, LindowsOS will come bundled with access to a fully-stocked library of applications. The Click-N-Run Warehouse, currently accessible to Lindows.com Insiders, holds hundreds of applications and programs, all free to Insiders running LindowsOS SPX. Insiders, who are the first to receive Lindows.com products, are a select group who guides Lindows.com's direction with their feedback. To learn how to join the Insider program, visit www.lindows.com/ signup.

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