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Телесистемы | Электроника | Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»

См. по ссылке. Там все подробно расписано. Разряжать ниже 10.5В вредно.

Отправлено Американецъ 26 октября 2008 г. 18:46
В ответ на: Ответ: отправлено <font color=gray>rtcs</font> 26 октября 2008 г. 17:42

The recommended end-of-discharge voltage for lead-acid is 1.75V/cell. The discharge does not follow the preferred flat curve of nickel and lithium-based chemistries. Instead, Lead-acid has a gradual voltage drop with a rapid drop towards the end of discharge.

The cycle life of sealed lead-acid is directly related to the depth of discharge. The typical number of discharge/charge cycles at 25°C (77°F) with respect to the depth of discharge is:

* 150 - 200 cycles with 100% depth of discharge (full discharge)
* 400 - 500 cycles with 50% depth of discharge (partial discharge)
* 1000 and more cycles with 30% depth of discharge (shallow discharge)

The lead-acid battery should not be discharged beyond 1.75V per cell, nor should it be stored in a discharged state. The cells of a discharged lead-acid sulfate, a condition that renders the battery useless if left in that state for a few days. Always keep the open terminal voltage at 2.10V and higher.

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