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Телесистемы | Электроника | Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»

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Отправлено argus98 ( 18 января 2010, г. 11:08
В ответ на: всё про выборы.... КамАЗ опять победил! Поздравляю всех причастных и сочуствующих! отправлено argus98 18 января 2010, г. 10:43

Kamaz is one of the trucks which has less than the others truck any improvements. The same engins exsist and are mounted on serial KAMAZ. You are stupid to think that Mercedes - Actros or Unimog, or Man are the same serial trucks, whish you can find in the shops. In my country we have Mercedes - brand new, military ones, and i can say that their survivability, roadability are ZERO compered to even the old military kamaz. Leave the electronics and the extra - the important for the truck is the durability and reliability! That's all! The russians have not so many sold Kamaz in the other countries, because the USA and the EU make this very difficult for the russian KAMAZ. My country was forced to buy Mercedes. But the building companies have only KAMAZ and the like them - they are 7 times cheaper and not only this! Sorry that I am typing in english. I like russian equipment and armement. And if there was no Boris Eltsin now Russia could be on the level of Germany or Japan. Shame on all of you who dare to "spit" the russian!

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