[an error occurred while processing this directive]
simple round-robin for H8S
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено AK 11 ноября 2002 г. 09:59
В ответ на: Ясненько, но для моих задач маловато. Все равно спасибо. отправлено DASM 11 ноября 2002 г. 09:23

Written for Hitachi C compiler :-)))

/////// header file "RRR.h" ///////

#define STOP_TASK -1 // 0xFFFF - stop task
#define RUN_TASK 0 // 0 - task is active and running
#define MAX_TASKS 4 // max number of tasks
#define TASK_STACK_SIZE 0x80 // number of bytes allocated to each task stack

extern volatile int System_Tick; // this is a 1 ms flag set by timer ISR

// ---------------------------
// --- RTOS initialisation ---
// ---------------------------
// needed in resetprg.c
extern void RTOS_clear_tasks(void); // init tasks table
extern void RTOS_register_task(void (*task_x)(void), int Task_Time);

// --------------------
// --- RTOS service ---
// --------------------
// used by tasks
extern void RTOS_delay(int T); // service for tasks, T - number of ticks
extern void RTOS_wake_up_task(int Task_No, int T); // wake up other task
extern int RTOS_current_task_No(void); // query current task No

// --------------
// --- Kernel ---
// --------------
extern void RTOS_Kernel(void); // RTOS itself, used in resetprg.c;

//////////// C module "RRR.c" ////////////////

#include "RRR.h"

RR_RTOS provides very basic service for tasks. Task can release control
to kernel executing function

void RTOS_delay(int T)

where T - number of ticks (tick=1ms).

RTOS returns control to the task when t ticks are expired, meanwhile
other task will be running. If T=0 then RTOS returns control to the task
ASAP, however, other task will get control before RTOS returns control
to that task. Eg. tasks shall voluntary execute


as often as possible, it ensures that other tasks won't be blocked.
Valid t range if from 0 to 0x7FFF, eg delays from 0 to ~0.5 min are available.
Value 0xFFFF (eg -1) has a special meaning. If task releases control
to RTOS by executing


then its tick counter will not be decremented, and it will not get control
back from RTOS. However, other task can wake up the sleeping task executing

void RTOS_wake_up_task(int TASK_No, int T)

where Task_No - task to be woken up;
T - number of ticks (tick=1ms) before task runs

Note that RTOS_delay(T) deliberatly stores all H8S registers in stack.
RTOS kernel restores all registers from stack prior to jumping back to that
task. RTOS_delay() can be safely used even if task returns control to RTOS from
inside a function.


// ************************************ //
// //
// Task samples //
// //
// ************************************ //

void task_0(void) // dummy task
int var_i;
var_i = 0;
while (1==1)

void task_12(void) // dummy task
int var_j;
var_j = 0;
while (1==1)

// ************************************ //
// //
// Services for tasks //
// //
// ************************************ //
static struct Task_Descriptor
int Tick_Counter; // task tick counter
unsigned long SP; // context - stack pointer
} Descriptor[MAX_TASKS+1] ; // declare N task descriptors
static int Current_Task;
static unsigned long Current_SP;

static volatile unsigned long RTOS_own_SP; // stores RTOS SP while tasks are running
volatile int System_Tick; // this is a flag set by timer ISR

// Note: Other context is not stored because control is passed to/from
// RTOS inside function (RTOS_delay). It means that ER0, ER1 store Task_No
// and t, and they will be discarded anyway, thus it is no need to store them.
// Essential context is already in stack before RTOS_delay is being called,
// because task "outer" variables are volatile

// ***********************************************************************
// store context
// ***********************************************************************
// its no point to waste time storing ER0, ER1 because their values are not
// used outside RTOS_delay() function
#pragma inline_asm(store_context)
static void store_context(void)
stm.l (ER2-ER3),@-SP ; // store ER2...ER3
stm.l (ER4-ER6),@-SP ; // store ER4...ER6

// ***********************************************************************
// return control to RTOS
// ***********************************************************************
// it is GOTO instruction for H8S
#pragma inline_asm(goto_RTOS)
static void goto_RTOS(void)
jmp @L_Back_to_RTOS ; // goto global address (RTOS kernel label)

// ***********************************************************************
// get current SP value
// ***********************************************************************
// C cannot do it...
#pragma inline_asm(fetch_SP_to_R0)
static unsigned long fetch_SP_to_R0(void)
mov.l ER7,ER0 ; //
adds.l #4,ER0 ; // adjustment, to compensate RTS in fetch_SP()
// return it via subroutine to ensure that C compiler hanldes result (eg ER0) correctly
static unsigned long fetch_SP(void)
return fetch_SP_to_R0();

// ***********************************************************************
// procedure to return to kernel
// ***********************************************************************
// RTOS service
void RTOS_delay(int T)
Descriptor[Current_Task].Tick_Counter=T; // store new tick counter value
store_context(); // store registers ER2...ER6 in stack
Descriptor[Current_Task].SP=fetch_SP(); // store current SP value in table

// ***********************************************************************
// procedure to wake up other task
// ***********************************************************************
// RTOS service
void RTOS_wake_up_task(int Task_No, int T)
Descriptor[Task_No].Tick_Counter=T; // set delay for the specified task

// ***********************************************************************
// function to query own task No
// ***********************************************************************
// RTOS service
int RTOS_current_task_No(void)
return Current_Task; // Current_Task is not visible outside RRR_Kernel.c

// ************************************ //
// //
// Functions used in kernel //
// //
// ************************************ //
// tasks do not need to know about them, they are internal RTOS business

// ***********************************************************************
// push value to SP
// ***********************************************************************
// required when task table initialised
#pragma inline_asm(push_task_entry_point)
static void push_task_entry_point(void (*Task_x)(void))
push.l ER0 ; // push function pointer

// ***********************************************************************
// assign new value to SP (ER7)
// ***********************************************************************
#pragma inline_asm(write_to_SP)
static void write_to_SP(unsigned long SP_value)
mov.l ER0,ER7 ; // write SP_value to ER7 (SP)

// ***********************************************************************
// execute RTS
// ***********************************************************************
// to return back to task
#pragma inline_asm(rts)
static void rts(void)

// ***********************************************************************
// restore context
// ***********************************************************************
#pragma inline_asm(restore_context)
static void restore_context(void)
ldm.l @SP+,(ER4-ER6) ; // restore ER4...ER6
ldm.l @SP+,(ER2-ER3) ; // restore ER2...ER3

// ***********************************************************************
// Label
// ***********************************************************************
// this global label will be inserted into compiled ASM code
#pragma inline_asm(RTOS_label)
static void RTOS_label(void)

// ***********************************************************************
// clear tasks
// ***********************************************************************
// shall be executed once at power-up
void RTOS_clear_tasks(void)
for (Current_Task=0; Current_Task<=MAX_TASKS; Current_Task++)
Descriptor[Current_Task].Tick_Counter=STOP_TASK; // task sleeps
// --- prepare for RTOS_register_task()
Current_SP=fetch_SP() - 0x40; // allot 40h of stack for RTOS

// ***********************************************************************
// register task
// ***********************************************************************
// shall be executed once at initialisation
void RTOS_register_task(void (*task_x)(void), int Task_Time)
RTOS_own_SP=fetch_SP(); // temp store current SP
Descriptor[Current_Task].Tick_Counter=Task_Time; // set task time
write_to_SP(Current_SP); // set new SP
push_task_entry_point(task_x); // push task entry point
store_context(); // store some boolshit context
Descriptor[Current_Task].SP=fetch_SP(); // finally store SP
Current_SP=Current_SP - TASK_STACK_SIZE; // allot 80h of stack for that task
Current_Task++; // ready to register next task
write_to_SP(RTOS_own_SP); // restore current SP

// ************************************ //
// //
// RTOS kernel (task switcher) //
// //
// ************************************ //

// ----------------------
void RTOS_Kernel(void)
// ----------------------------------
// --- endless task switcher loop ---
// ----------------------------------
System_Tick=0; // reset tick before loop starts
while (0==0)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// --- check each task and pass control to it if required ---
// ----------------------------------------------------------
for (Current_Task=0; Current_Task<=MAX_TASKS; Current_Task++)
if (Descriptor[Current_Task].Tick_Counter==RUN_TASK) // if task active
store_context(); // store RTOS context
RTOS_own_SP=fetch_SP(); // temp store current SP
write_to_SP(Descriptor[Current_Task].SP); // set SP for that task
restore_context(); // and restore other registers
rts(); // return to task
// ---------------->
RTOS_label(); // task returns control here
write_to_SP(RTOS_own_SP); // restore own SP
restore_context(); // and restore RTOS context
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// --- check tick flag and service task timers if required ---
// -----------------------------------------------------------
if (System_Tick != 0) // if timer ISR rised that flag
System_Tick=0; // reset the flag
for (Current_Task=0; Current_Task<=MAX_TASKS; Current_Task++)
if (Descriptor[Current_Task].Tick_Counter != RUN_TASK) // ignore tasks that already running
if (Descriptor[Current_Task].Tick_Counter != STOP_TASK) // ignore tasks that have been killed
Descriptor[Current_Task].Tick_Counter--; // decrement counter

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