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- обработка данных с датчиков; ColdFire; 40 тыс.

Телесистемы | Электроника | Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»

Я неверно выразился. Имел в виду механизм обратного вызова для извещения об окончании (completion notification callback mechanism)

Отправлено Юрий_СВ ( 13 марта 2011, г. 16:59
В ответ на: папатропней, плиз) отправлено basilmak 13 марта 2011, г. 14:16

Давно читал - уже подзабыл.

Asynchronous Procedure Calls
An asynchronous procedure call (APC) is a function that executes asynchronously in the context of a particular thread. When an APC is queued to a thread, the system issues a software interrupt. The next time the thread is scheduled, it will run the APC function. APCs made by the system are called "kernel-mode APCs." APCs made by an application are called "user-mode APCs." A thread must be in an alertable state to run a user-mode APC.

Each thread has its own APC queue. An application queues an APC to a thread by calling the QueueUserAPC function. The calling thread specifies the address of an APC function in the call to QueueUserAPC. The queuing of an APC is a request for the thread to call the APC function.
When a user-mode APC is queued, the thread to which it is queued is not directed to call the APC function unless it is in an alertable state. A thread enters an alertable state when it calls the SleepEx, SignalObjectAndWait, MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx, WaitForMultipleObjectsEx, or WaitForSingleObjectEx function.

Note that the ReadFileEx and WriteFileEx functions are implemented using an APC as the completion notification callback mechanism.

BOOL ReadFileEx(

HANDLE hFile, // handle of file to read
LPVOID lpBuffer, // address of buffer
DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, // number of bytes to read
LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, // address of offset
LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine // address of completion routine

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