Избранные места из переписки с друзьями
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Игорь Осипов 02 октября 2003 г. 10:17

Впрочем, они больше на сволочей похожи. Т.к. в документации не указывают гарантированное кол-во циклов перезаписи, а в письме сообщили только типичное значение, неизвестно для каких условий.

Переписка моего коллеги с Атмелом:

Family : DataFlash
Part_no : AT45DB081B
Problem : Endurance of DataFlash.
Details : How mach write(erase) cycles summary can pass DataFlash with
refresh procedures? Datasheet don’t have information about it.
It’s very impotent parameter for applications used intensive data write.

Endurance in DataFlash is specified as the number of writes (erase/program
cycles) performed on a page before a bit in that page will fail to read
correctly. For the 0.25um DataFlash family (the parts which are
currently in production ), the endurance is typically 50,000 cycles.

Higher endurance values can be achieved by incorporating error detection and
correction, (ECC), since endurance failures tend to be of a single bit and
random nature. All DataFlash products provide additional bytes within each
page in the memory array. These additional bytes can be used to help perform
the ECC function. The 1Meg through 8Meg densities have 8 additional bytes
per page, the 16Meg and 32Meg have 16 additional bytes per page whilst the 64
Megabit has an additional 32 bytes for each page.


Anil Godavarthi
Applications Engineer
Atmel Corporation

Please keep the complete mail correspondence in your replies.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 6:04 AM
Subject: Support Form: Endurance of DataFlash.

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