Новое в "умных домах" : Z-Wave technology(+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено =L.A.= 05 февраля 2004 г. 11:17

Вот один друг прислал:

Z-Wave is a wireless RF-based communications technology designed for
residential and light commercial control and status reading applications
such as meter reading, lighting and appliance control, HVAC, access
control, intruder and fire detection, etc.

Z-Wave transforms any stand-alone device into an intelligent networked
device that can be controlled and monitored wirelessly. Z-Wave delivers
high quality networking at a fraction of the cost of other similar
technologies by focusing on narrow bandwidth applications and substituting
costly hardware with innovative software solutions.

The Z-Wave technology is available in the Z-Wave Single Chip solutions. The
Z-Wave protocol stack is embedded in the chips, and Flash memory is
available to the manufacturer/OEM for their application software. For
smooth product development, a range of manufacturing blueprints of the PCB
circuitry surrounding the Z-Wave Single Chip is offered - including antenna
circuitry and filters.


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