Люди, подскажите как посношать Спектру V9,0,3 с Пикадом 2001 СП1. Сделал проектик из C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\Demo1_u (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено michas 03 июля 2004 г. 11:32

Откроываю закладку автороутер Спектра, генерю DO, настраиваю командную линию- путь к спектре и системному логу, но не могу найти пассвордфайл, о котором упоминается в пдфке пикада по спектре.
Спектра пускается, и выкидывает ошибку с таким логом:

# P-CAD to Specctra interface translator v16.00.
# ACCEL ASCII file C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\Demo1_u1.pcb
# will be translated to SPECCTRA Design File format.
# The SPECCTRA design file will be named C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\Demo1_u1.DSN
# 1618927616 bytes free.
# Reading input file C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\Demo1_u1.pcb.
# Reading asciiHeader section.
# Reading library section.
# Reading netlist section.
# Reading pcbDesign section.
# Writing design file C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\Demo1_u1.DSN.
# Writing parser section.
# Writing resolution section.
# Writing structure section.
# Writing placement section.
# Writing library section.
# Writing network section.
# Writing wiring section.
# The ACCEL to Specctra translation is complete.
# The Specctra design file is C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\Demo1_u1.DSN.
# 143360 bytes used.
# ===============================================================================
# SPECCTRA ShapeBased Automation Software
# Copyright 1990-1999 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# ===============================================================================
# Software licensed for sale by Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
# Current time = Tue Jun 01 03:30:43 2004
# SPECCTRA ShapeBased Automation Software V9.0.3 made 2000/03/24 at 16:48:18
# Running on: lml, OS Version: Windows98 4.10.2222, Architecture: Intel Pentium
# Orphan shapes will not be removed.
# Licensing: The program will not obey any unlicensed rules
# Design Name .\Demo1_u1.DSN
# Batch File Name: Demo1_u1.DO
# Output Log File Name: C:\CCT_CDS\TOOLS\SPECCTRA\BIN\sp.log
# SPECCTRA ShapeBased Automation Software running in Windows 95/98
# Did File Name: .\06010330.did
# Current time = Tue Jun 01 03:30:43 2004
# PCB .
# <> Error in file .\Demo1_u1.DSN, line 1: token 4 = Files\P-CAD
# (content): (PCB C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\Demo1_u1.pcb
# <> Parser: Expected ( or ), saw Files\P-CAD while parsing PCB
# Specctra to P-CAD interface translator v16.00.
# Specctra session file C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\Demo1_u1.ses
# will be merged with ACCEL ASCII file C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\Demo1_u1.pcb.
# The routed ACCEL ASCII file will be named C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\RDemo1_u1.pcb
# 1619132416 bytes free.
# ERROR: cannot open file C:\Program Files\P-CAD 2001\Demo\Demo1_u1.ses for read access.

С штатным примером спектра работает нормально.
Слезно умоляю не пройти мимо.

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