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(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено POV 07 марта 2005 г. 11:37

квартус сволочь выдает варнинг
"CAUSE: The Timing Analyzer found the specified number of nodes in the clock path that may be functioning as undefined derived (that is, ripple or gated) clocks in the design. The Quartus II software assumes that only pins that feed the clock input of a register should be automatically recognized as clocks. Therefore, the Timing Analyzer recognizes nodes functioning as ripple or gated clocks as simple buffers resulting in clock skew and potential hold violations.

ACTION: Specify derived clock settings for all nodes functioning as derived clocks in the design. The derived clock setting should be derived from the clock settings specified for the associated absolute clock. Specifying derived clock settings is especially important in cases in which a ripple clock is acting as a clock divider.

Сейчас всё работает, но при добавлении чего-либо в проект всё просто разваливается. "Побуквенно" эту цитату из хелпа перевел, но не понял.
Блин, чего-то так тяжко не было.

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