[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Знатокам Verilog'a! HELP-P-P-P !!! Помогите найти ошибку. Low level-модуль (prim_addr_decoder) синтезируется нормально без ошибок и предупреждений. При попытке вставить его в top-модуль (prim_bkend2) синтезатор выдает несусветное (Sinthesis report (WebPack 4.2). Причем ранее таких фокусов с другими модулями не было.
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Языки описания аппаратуры (VHDL и др.))

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено ukun 25 ноября 2003 г. 16:28

//------------- top module
`define KEY_REG_ADDR 8'h88
`define ROM_BAR_ADDR 8'h30

module prim_bkend2(LA, BE, data_tran,
cfg_sel, dma_sel, mem_sel, cfg_sel,
io_sel0, io_sel1, io_sel2, io_sel3,
p2p_en_, test, ide_sel, fifo_sel,
p2p_reg_sel, key_reg_sel, p2p_rom_sel,
hdd_, rom_, ide_16bit_

//input signals
input [7:0] LA;
input [3:0] BE;
input data_tran;
input cfg_sel;
input io_sel0;
input io_sel1;
input io_sel2;
input io_sel3;
input dma_sel;
input mem_sel;
input p2p_en_;
input test;

//output signals
output ide_sel;
output fifo_sel;
output p2p_reg_sel;
output key_reg_sel;
output p2p_rom_sel;
output hdd_;
output rom_;
output ide_16bit_;

//------------------------- Equations ------------------------------//

prim_addr_decoder addr_decoder (


//----------------- low level module
`define KEY_REG_ADDR 8'h88
`define ROM_BAR_ADDR 8'h30

module prim_addr_decoder(LA, BE, data_tran,
cfg_sel, dma_sel, mem_sel, cfg_sel,
io_sel0, io_sel1, io_sel2, io_sel3,
p2p_en_, test, ide_sel, fifo_sel,
p2p_reg_sel, key_reg_sel, p2p_rom_sel,
hdd_, rom_, ide_16bit_

//input signals
input [7:0] LA;
input [3:0] BE;
input data_tran;
input cfg_sel;
input io_sel0;
input io_sel1;
input io_sel2;
input io_sel3;
input dma_sel;
input mem_sel;
input p2p_en_;
input test;

//output signals
output ide_sel;
output fifo_sel;
output p2p_reg_sel;
output key_reg_sel;
output p2p_rom_sel;
output hdd_;
output rom_;
output ide_16bit_;

// internal resources and signals
wire p2p_rom_bar;
wire ide_rom_sel;
wire ide_cfg_sel;
wire ide_cs_sel;
wire ide_as_sel;

//------------------------- Equations ------------------------------//

assign p2p_rom_bar = (cfg_sel && (LA[7:0]==`ROM_BAR_ADDR)
&& ~p2p_en_) ? 1:0;
assign p2p_reg_sel = ((cfg_sel & ~p2p_en_ & LA[7]) | p2p_rom_bar) ? 1:0;
assign key_reg_sel = (cfg_sel && ~p2p_en_
&& (LA[7:0]==`KEY_REG_ADDR)) ? 1:0;

assign p2p_rom_sel = (mem_sel & ~p2p_en_) ? 1:0;
assign ide_rom_sel = (mem_sel & p2p_en_) ? 1:0;

assign ide_cfg_sel = ((cfg_sel & p2p_en_) |
(cfg_sel & ~p2p_en_ & ~LA[7] & ~p2p_rom_bar)) ? 1:0;

assign ide_cs_sel = (io_sel0 | io_sel2) ? 1:0;
assign ide_as_sel = (io_sel1 | io_sel3) ? 1:0;

assign fifo_sel = (ide_cs_sel && (LA[2:0] == 3'b000)) ? 1:0;
assign ide_sel = ((ide_cs_sel && (LA[2:0] != 3'b000))
| ide_as_sel | dma_sel | ide_cfg_sel | ide_rom_sel) ? 1:0;

assign hdd_ = (((ide_sel | fifo_sel) && data_tran) || test) ? 0:1;
assign rom_ = ((p2p_rom_sel && data_tran) || test) ? 0:1;
assign ide_16bit_ = ((fifo_sel && data_tran
&& (BE[3:0]==4'b1100)) || test) ? 0:1;


//---- Sinthesis report (WebPack 4.2)
Release 4.2WP0.x - xst E.35
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
--> Parameter TMPDIR set to .
CPU : 0.00 / 0.49 s | Elapsed : 0.00 / 0.00 s

--> Parameter overwrite set to YES
CPU : 0.00 / 0.49 s | Elapsed : 0.00 / 0.00 s

--> =========================================================================
---- Source Parameters
Input Format : VERILOG
Input File Name : prim_bkend2.prj
Verilog Search Path : ./testbench
Verilog Include Directory : ./testbench

---- Target Parameters
Target Device : XBR
Output File Name : prim_bkend2
Output Format : NGC
Target Technology : xbr

---- Source Options
Top Module Name : prim_bkend2
Automatic FSM Extraction : YES
FSM Encoding Algorithm : User
FSM Flip-Flop Type : D
Mux Extraction : YES
Resource Sharing : NO
Complex Clock Enable Extraction : YES

---- Target Options
Add IO Buffers : YES
Equivalent register Removal : YES
Macro Generator : Macro+
MACRO Preserve : YES
XOR Preserve : YES

---- General Options
Optimization Criterion : Speed
Optimization Effort : 1
Check Attribute Syntax : YES
Keep Hierarchy : YES

---- Other Options
Clock Enable : NO
wysiwyg : YES


Setting FSM Encoding Algorithm to : User

Compiling source file : prim_bkend2.prj
Compiling included source file 'prim_addr_decoder.v'
Module compiled.
Continuing compilation of source file 'prim_bkend2.prj'
Compiling included source file 'prim_bkend2.v'
Module compiled.
Continuing compilation of source file 'prim_bkend2.prj'
Compiling included source file 'D:/Xilinx/Webpack/verilog/src/iSE/unisim_comp.v'
Continuing compilation of source file 'prim_bkend2.prj'
No errors in compilation
Analysis of file succeeded.

Starting Verilog synthesis.

Analyzing module .
Module is correct for synthesis.
Set user-defined property "SOURCE_NODE = yes" for signal in unit .
Set user-defined property "SOURCE_NODE = yes" for signal in unit .
Set user-defined property "SOURCE_NODE = yes" for signal in unit .
Set user-defined property "SOURCE_NODE = yes" for signal in unit .
Set user-defined property "SOURCE_NODE = yes" for signal in unit .

Analyzing top module .
WARNING:Xst:852 - prim_bkend2.v (Line 65). Unconnected input port 'cfg_sel' of instance 'addr_decoder' is tied to GND.
Module is correct for synthesis.

Synthesizing Unit .
Related source file is prim_addr_decoder.v.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input > is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input > is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input > is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input > is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input > is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input is never used.
Unit synthesized.

Synthesizing Unit .
Related source file is prim_bkend2.v.
Unit synthesized.

HDL Synthesis Report

Found no macro

Starting low level synthesis...

Optimizing unit ...
implementation constraint: SOURCE_NODE : ide_as_sel
implementation constraint: SOURCE_NODE : ide_cfg_sel
implementation constraint: SOURCE_NODE : ide_cs_sel
implementation constraint: SOURCE_NODE : ide_rom_sel
implementation constraint: SOURCE_NODE : p2p_rom_bar

Optimizing unit ...
ERROR:Xst:269 - Redeclaration of a connector name : cfg_sel.

Merging netlists...

WARNING:Xst:615 - Net ide_cfg_sel not found, property SOURCE_NODE not attached.
WARNING:Xst:615 - Net p2p_rom_bar not found, property SOURCE_NODE not attached.
Final Results
Output File Name : prim_bkend2
Output Format : NGC
Optimization Criterion : Speed
Target Technology : xbr
Keep Hierarchy : YES
Macro Preserve : YES
Macro Generation : Macro+
XOR Preserve : YES

Design Statistics
# Edif Instances : 60
# I/Os : 30

CPU : 1.27 / 1.76 s | Elapsed : 1.00 / 1.00 s

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