[an error occurred while processing this directive]
}y ~py}u {p{ pqpu {}p~tp DAW r 18F
(: K~uu~y «`x{y yp~y ppp (VHDL y t.))

 - mAVR

25 2004 . 17:44
: binary coded decimal (rtu q) u r uu qyy{p 0-9 yes 25 {q 2004 s. 17:30

Decimal Adjust W Register
DAW adjusts the eight-bit value in
W, resulting from the earlier addition
of two variables (each in packed BCD format) and produces
a correct packed BCD result.

If [W<3:0> >9] or [DC = 1] then
(W<3:0>) + 6 W<3:0>;
(W<3:0>) W<3:0>;

If [W<7:4> >9] or [C = 1] then
(W<7:4>) + 6 W<7:4>;
(W<7:4>) W<7:4>;

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