[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Êòî íèòü ìîæåò ïðîêîìåíòèðîâàòü âîò ýòîò íå áîëüøîé ïðîåêò:
(«Òåëåñèñòåìû»: Êîíôåðåíöèÿ «ßçûêè îïèñàíèÿ àïïàðàòóðû (VHDL è äð.))

ìèíèàòþðíûé àóäèî-âèäåîðåêîðäåð mAVR

Îòïðàâëåíî Larionov 08 èþëÿ 2005 ã. 18:43
 îòâåò íà: Õîòåë â æåëåçî åãî çàëèòü è ïîýêñïåðåìåíòèðîâàòü, âèäàòü âñ¸ òàêè ïðèä¸òñÿ ó÷èòü vhdl îòïðàâëåíî Larionov 08 èþëÿ 2005 ã. 18:38

−− Minimal 8 Bit CPU

library ieee ;
use ieee . std logic 1164 . all ;
use ieee . std logic unsigned . all ;

entity CPU8BIT2 is
port ( data: inout std logic vector (7 downto 0);
adress: out std logic vector (5 downto 0);
oe: out std logic ;
we: out std logic ;
rst : in std logic ;
clk : in std logic );

architecture CPU ARCH of CPU8BIT2 is
signal akku: std logic vector (8 downto 0); −− akku(8) is carry !
signal adreg: std logic vector (5 downto 0);
signal pc: std logic vector (5 downto 0);
signal states : std logic vector (2 downto 0);

if ( rst = ’0’) then
adreg <= (others => ’0’); −− start execution at memory location 0
states <= ”000”;
akku <= (others => ’0’);
pc <= (others => ’0’);
elsif rising edge (clk ) then

−− PC / Adress path
if ( states = ”000”) then
pc <= adreg + 1;
adreg <= data(5 downto 0);
adreg <= pc;
end if;

−− ALU / Data Path
case states is
when ”010” => akku <= (”0” & akku(7 downto 0)) + (”0” & data); −− add
when ”011” => akku(7 downto 0) <= akku(7 downto 0) nor data; −− nor
when ”101” => akku(8) <= ’0’; −− branch not taken, clear carry
when others => null; −− instr. fetch , jcc taken (000), sta (001)
end case;

−− State machine
if ( states /= ”000”) then states <= ”000”; −− fetch next opcode
elsif (data(7 downto 6) = ”11” and akku(8)=’1’) then states <= ”101”;−− branch n. taken
else states <= ”0” & not data(7 downto 6); −− execute instruction
end if;
end if;
end process;
−− output
adress <= adreg;
data <= ”ZZZZZZZZ” when states /= ”001” else akku(7 downto 0);
oe <= ’1’ when (clk=’1’ or states = ”001” or rst=’0’ or states = ”101”) else ’0’;
−− no memory access during reset and
we <= ’1’ when (clk=’1’ or states /= ”001” or rst=’0’) else ’0’;

−− state ”101” (branch not taken)

Ñîñòàâèòü îòâåò  |||  Êîíôåðåíöèÿ  |||  Àðõèâ


Îòïðàâêà îòâåòà

Èìÿ (îáÿçàòåëüíî): 
NoIX êëþ÷ Çàïîìíèòü

Òåìà (îáÿçàòåëüíî):

Ññûëêà íà URL: 
Íàçâàíèå ññûëêè: 

URL èçîáðàæåíèÿ: 

Ïåðåéòè ê ñïèñêó îòâåòîâ  |||  Êîíôåðåíöèÿ  |||  Àðõèâ  |||  Ãëàâíàÿ ñòðàíèöà  |||  Ñîäåðæàíèå  |||  Áåç êàäðà

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