[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Добавил вариант с МАС. 16-bit 16-tap = 45 байт кода, 0.8 uS @40MIPS, на один отвод - 1 цикл (25 нс). АРМ отдыхает!
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено =AVR= 15 октября 2005 г. 23:45
В ответ на: Выложил новый бенчмарк на Сахаре, кому интересно (PIC24/dsPIC, 16 tap FIR, без использования МАС) --> отправлено =AVR= 15 октября 2005 г. 21:20

;16-bit 16-tap FIR benchmark
;MAC based - dsPIC3xF only
;12bit data, 16bit coefficients
;Hardware (modulo addressed) circular buffer used
;GNU PIC30-AS assembler used
;(C) =AVR= 2005
;Executes in 32 cycles - 0.8 uS @40 MIPS/1.1 uS @33 MIPS
;Single tap procedure requires 1 cycle - 25 nS @40 MIPS/33 nS @33MIPS per tap
;Flash usage: 15 words (45 bytes)
;RAM usage: 18.5 words (37 bytes)
;Register usage : 4
.equ __30F6012A2, 1
.include "p30f6012.inc" ;SFR definitions for dsPIC30F6012 chip
__reset = 0
.global __reset ;Compatibility issue workaround
;WEAK directive "legalizes" unresolved label to a linker
.weak buf_ptr ;Global FIR sample buffer pointer
.weak buf_bot ;Global FIR sample buffer start
.weak coeff_tab ;FIR coefficient table (16 16-bit words), located in Flash
buf_len = 16 ;FIR sample buffer lenth (in 16-bit words)
templ = w4 ;Temporary data register
temph = w5 ;Temporary coeff register
firoutl = 0x0022 ;Accumulator A mapped to data memory = 32-bit MAC result (FIR result)
firouth = 0x0024 ;
xptr = w8 ;Local FIR sample pointer
zptr = w10 ;Current FIR coefficient pointer
mov #4,templ
mov templ,CORCON ;Enable Flash to upper RAM mapping
mov #buf_bot,templ
mov templ,XMODSRT ;Set modulo start address
mov #buf_bot+(buf_len*2),templ
mov templ,XMODEND ;Set modulo end address
mov #0x8008,templ
mov templ,MODCON ;Enable w8, X AGU for modulo addressing
mov buf_ptr,xptr ;Initialize FIR data sample pointer
mov #(32768+coeff_tab),zptr ;Initialize FIR coeff pointer to RAM mapped code space
clr A,[xptr]+=2,templ,[zptr]+=2,temph ;Clear accumulator A, advance pointers and pre-fetch next data/coeff pair
repeat #15 ;Repeat the following procedure 16 times
;Single tap procedure start
mac templ*temph,A,[xptr]+=2,templ,[zptr]+=2,temph ;MAC, advance pointers and pre-fetch next data/coeff pair
;Single tap procedure end
clr MODCON ;Disable modulo addressing

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