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Тут ребятки из comp.arch.embedded'a знаете как проги на авр отлаживают :)? Приемником на АМ диапозоне :))))))
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Отправлено Ilhom 08 июня 2002 г. 19:34

You guys are my hero's man! I can't imagine debugging an application *by its
>RF interference!*

hehe. The neat thing is, it's the truth. Got so I kept the AM tuned
nearby to a better spot, on all the time as a "low grade" background,
so to speak. You could easily tell when the compiler had gotten to a
certain stage or the interpreter "got stuck and crashed" or just
listen as you hit a key (when I was lucky enough to have a keyboard
and didn't have to enter stuff in with 7 switches and a pushbutton.)

You could even figure out which sound was for which bit of code by
inserting a statement or two and re-running. Just listen for the part
of the "music" that changed. Then you knew what was what and could
listen for it.

Have to admit that I bought those AM radios at that point in life.
Though to my credit, I had built one from a galena crystal, some
molten lead, some glass and aluminum foil, a permanent toroid magnet,
very thin bits of sheet steel, stiff paper, and some magnet wire.
Gets you an earphone, too, that way. Lots of fun and it actually
works ... on the stronger stations, anyway.

I'll bet there are a lot of interesting true stories out there.


Today, I'm using the good stuff, too. Got a nice digital mixed signal
scope, a regular analog one, voltmeters, JTAG debuggers, and the like.
Days have changed and I'm the gladder for it.

Someday, it'll be chips implanted in our brains early in life when the
dendrites can develop permanent connections and the computer can
display directly into visual centers and folks will wonder how we
lived with those six pound laptops and had to contend with such
unreliable and dog slow methods like keyboards and screens.

Of course, that may give some new meaning to "software bug", "crash",
and "rebooting."

May we live in interesting times...



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